Our Upcoming Events Calendar
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Musgo Missions is committed to equipping young people to reach out and share the Love of Christ in in their daily lives through one on one conversations, and to reach out locally and globally through special events.
6 ways to help us reach more people!

Give towards an outreach: Click on the Paypal giving button to donate any amount or you may contact us to give materials or products for giveaways at our events.
Host an outreach day: Sign up your group and bring them to an event for a day. We will provide training materials or your group can bring your own materials to pass out at the event.
Sponsor an outreach: Give towards the cost needed for an entire outreach at an event near you.
Sponsor a new witnessing trailer: Help us to reach our goal for new trailers in other areas!
Join our witnessing team: Become a part of the team!
Help sponsor a young persons costs for a missions trip to another city or out of the country.