September 22nd Mannford Football Game
50 Youth heard about Jesus and prayed to know him more! We had a great time at the Homecoming football game at Mannford Oklahoma. This...

August 12th- Tulsa Dream Center West Campus
Saturday morning events are a great time to talk to people and hear what is going on in their lives. People are so open to come up to our...

August 5th 2023 Broken Arrow-Taste Of Summer
The Taste of Summer Ice Cream event in Broken Arrow Oklahoma on Main Street was a fantastic event. So grateful for the event organizers...

June 17 2023 T.O.A.S.T Summer Science Smackdown
Saturday June 17th we were in Broken Arrow Oklahoma for a fun outdoor robotics fair event. It was in the Town Centre Parking Lot (101st...

May 2023 Rome, Greece, Turkey
We have waited for 2 years to take this trip to Europe to learn more about the culture , people and places we have studied. Amanda is a...

April 22nd 2023 Tulsa Dream Center and Circuit Riders Carnival
We had another great outreach Saturday with Tulsa Dream Center and the Circuit Riders. Ben King and his wife shared so many powerful...

April 15th 2023 West Tulsa Outreach
On April 15th we worked with Circuit Riders https://circuitriders.com/ Bridging Hunger https://www.facebook.com/bridginghunger/ Teen...

Spring 2023 Missions Trip Belize
Amanda is back from a great outreach in Belize. It was her second time going to Belize. What was so cool for her is that they went to one...

Spring 2023 Missions trip to Costa Rica
March 13th through the 19th of 2023 Missions update: Thank you for all those who helped to fund this missions trip. We had an amazing...

Spring Missions 2023 Florida
Ethan had a great outreach going for a second year to Florida. He was able to help out at Christ for the Nations church with a block...