Tulsa State Fair Outreach
The Musgo Missions Team participated in a powerful FREE PRAYER outreach at the Tulsa State Fair. We were hosted by Evangelist Daniel King...

Missions Training and Outreach Summer Camp
This Summer we had a missions training summer camp for teens here in Tulsa. Thank you for Daniel King for the evangelism training and...

Packing Groceries at Bridging Hunger
Our teen bible study group spent the morning at Bridging Hunger in Jenks Oklaoma to help pack groceries for our food outreach coming up....

Belize Missions 2022
Visiting schools and local communities sharing the gospel with 1000 of children.

Annual Labor day camping trip & family time
What a great time we had this year with everyone at Cherokee camping area in Fort Gibson. We look forward to this event every year so much!

Summer 2021 Youth Trip to Brooklyn New York
Working with NY city evangelist we reached out to homeless people and low income housing areas.
2021 McAllen Texas Trip
Forty teenagers went to McAllen Texas to help local churches reach out to the local community.

Food Distribution Event in Tulsa 2020
We had a great time on the food out reach this week. Our group helped to pack and load groceries into the cars of people who came for...

Silver and Gold Missions Fundraiser Banquet
January 10 2020, we had a great banquet with over 100 guests. Thank you to all those who donated to this teen missions fundraiser. We...

Teen Cell group rafting trip
Our group had a great day of family fun rafting down the river in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. This is a annual event we love to sponsor and have...